The Tmaask platform is a knowledge encyclopedia concerned with all areas of protection from violent extremism. The platform aims to enhance cohesion and solidarity in society through protection from and limiting violent extremism. Through the platform, the largest number of those interested in this field is reached, and Tamasuk seeks to publish all activities Academic and scientific events, studies and research that aim to identify all concepts of violent extremism and prevent it. The platform includes a cohesion network of a number of civil society organizations working in the field of human rights and will have a major role in strengthening the platform with activities and studies that support all groups of society, especially those who are exposed to to violent extremism. Tmaask works to provide technical, moral, and skill support to non-profit and youth organizations working in various fields, including human rights, minority rights, community development, and Resolution 1325. Tmaask platform and network were established by the Manahil Association for Women’s Development and with the support of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) as part of the activities of the program (“Wasl” Fund for Civil Society Organizations) Project Confronting Extremism: Spreading the Spirit of Tolerance for a Cohesive Society