It is a knowledge encyclopedia concerned with all areas of protection from violent extremism. The platform aims to enhance cohesion and solidarity in society through protection from and limiting violent extremism. Through the platform, the largest number of those interested in this field is reached.
تعمل تماسك على تقديم الدعم الفني والمعنوي والمهاري للمنظمات الغير ربحية والشبابية التي تعمل في مجالات مختلفة منها حقوق الانسان , حقوق الاقليات, التنمية المجتمعية, وقرار 1325
تم تأسيس المنصة وشبكة تماسك من قبل جمعية المناهل لتنمية المراة وبدعم من منظمة الهجرة الدولية وذلك ضمن انشطة برنامج ("وصل " صندوق منظمات المجتمع المدني) مشروع مواجهة التطرف: نشر روح التسامح من اجل مجتمع متماسك
The platform and the Tmaask network were established by the Manahil Association for Women’s Development and with the support of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) as part of the activities of the program (“Wasl” Fund for Civil Society Organizations) Project Confronting Extremism: Spreading the Spirit of Tolerance for a Cohesive Society
Promoting and increasing the inclusion of women and youth in programs
Increasing the ability of vulnerable communities to access livelihoods
Strengthening the role of the private sector in preventing violent extremism
Promote social cohesion and reduce tension by promoting dialogue, diversity and coexistence activities between different groups
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